I've greatly enjoyed the Stars and Stepping stones book. Starting from age 70-50, then 50-30, then 30 to today has brought great perspective on my life. It's helped set broad goals, along with glimpses of a vision in which I hope to accomplish. As Jeffry A. Thompson spoke about our callings in life he spoke of how important this idea is and throughout his time at BYU he's asked this question to hundreds of students. What is your calling in life? I have to admit, I usually get quite anxious when i'm asked this question. It is huge, and quite frankly I have some ideas, but am not one-hundred percent confident on any of them. He challenged us to remember heavenly father as the Shepard in our lives. By realizing that he will watch over us and guide us to our true calling in life has helped take away some of my anxiety!
I've often wondered why 'brick walls' seem to come in my path as I try to progress in achieving righteous goals that I've set. After listening to Randy Pausch's Last Lecture my understanding of why this happens has been increased. Randy explains, "remember, the brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They’re there to stop the other people." I think Randy was able to achieve so many of his childhood dreams because when a challenge came along, he looked at this challenge as an opportunity to see how strong he really was, and how bad he really wanted to accomplish his dream, not as an 'End of the road' sign.
I feel dreaming is extremely important. If we as children don't dream, then our progress is halted. Our brains stop being 'creative' which seems to be a great need in the world we live in today. I struggle to know my childhood dream because I never really let myself be creative. I was a very literal child and quite practical so dreams were always quite hard to imagine. Looking deep down in myself though I would say that my childhood dream was to become an entertainer. I wanted to own an amusement park! It's possible, if I had the money, engineers, and land there is a chance this could work. I greatly enjoy seeing others happy, find passion and rejuvenated energy in doing something that has a 'good cause' as it's foundation.


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