A reminder to never give up.

To start off I will just say that the 22 minute video titled, 'A Hero's Journey' was outstanding! The speaker was inspiring as I felt his sincerity when he said, "We are destined to change the world." At one point in the video he asked us to ask 5 people we know well, "What do I do better than anyone else in the world?" I immediately called the first person that came to my mind, my mom. As she shared her thoughts with specific examples and evidence I felt very grateful for this exercise. The two things she said that I did better than anyone else in the world was my empathy, and determination to do what I say i'm going to do. I currently am in the process of finishing this exercise so I will update you on the synthesized information later on. My recent step in gaining mentors has been to take a picture of one climbing and putting this on my vision board. For those who don't know what a vision board is, it's pictures that you print out that remind you of what you want taped to a place that you will see often so to remind you of your goals. I look at these pictures for a total of 5 minuets each morning and evening to bring creative ideas to my brain of how I can achieve this goal. This it what my board looks like!

Lastly my experience in reading the book Mastery so far has been outstanding. The book is all about the art's, specifically mixed martial arts. I personally believe that when practiced correctly the Mixed Martial Arts is one of the most difficult yet rewarding tasks one could ever do. It requires patience, hard work, and tenacity to never give up. I love this concept because during my 7th grade year of school mom and dad placed me in MMA due to bullying and a lack of self-esteem that started to happen to me. After just a few months of MMA I felt like a new man. I stood up to the bully, felt like I could defend myself, and felt a lot better about myself. I recall this as one of the most happiest moments of my life. A man named Hank was my coach and mentor at this time. I didn't fully realize it at the time, but he is someone I know that was inspired to put in my path. I am forever grateful for people who invest in you being the best you. Let us remember to thank those whom we are truly grateful for. 

A.J. Frazier


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