Creating good culture in company's seem to be one of the most difficult tasks to accomplish. I recently had the incredible privilege to speak with Clay Olson Entrepreneur and Co-Founder of Fight The New Drug at his office in Salt Lake regarding this topic. Let me make this clear, I went to his office to thank him for what he is doing to help change the world on behalf of BYU-Idaho because I know many support him. What actually happened was a seemingly knowledge and wisdom piercing my heart with truth, pure truth on not only how to run create good company culture but how to strengthen friendships and be the best you! I quote, "I have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to company culture. No gossip. Even if you think you are helping it never does. No matter if your business is run flat or as a pyramid there is a proper way to address concerns in a company. This almost caused our company to collapse in the beginning." Clay continues, "Another thing I would say is Establish a really Clear and Strong Goal/Mission. If you do these things there will be less confusion and others know there purpose."
Is this not fascinating!!!!!! As a side note Clay also mentioned how he hires. "I get applications all the time saying something like, 'please, let me come an work or you. I'll take out the trash, I don't care what it is I just love what your doing.' It's great they love the cause, but that is secondary when I hire. I look for the craft. What is your craft as how good are you with it?" Our craft can be anything right? Weather we be excel in speaking a language, communicating with kids, piano playing, interviewing, or mentoring one-one the friendless(this one I thin is mine) it can and should be cultivated and molded into our current and future professions.

Since the semester at BYU-Idaho has ended for me I have been able to have lots of extra time to do pretty much do whatever I'd like. I am proud to say that my free time has not been spent in front of the T.V! Instead I have chosen to read books, exercise my talent (piano playing), and visit local business's I admire. I guess what I'm trying to say is that as you and I invest in ourselves rather than as my mother likes to say, "rot your brains out watching t.v" we can learn and see with new eyes an increased capacity of whom we can become. Whom we were born to become.


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